Woolley Street, Canberra
Woolley Street, Dickson, Canberra ACT
Woolley Street in the Canberra suburb of Dickson has long been a lively food hub and is accordingly both a high vehicle and a high pedestrian traffic area. Hungry people pound the pavement both day and night in search of its multicultural fare. In 2015 the ACT Government decided to bring this popular street into the modern world of sustainable LED lighting. After consultations with Integral Lighting, the government settled on replacing the original 150W metal halide lantern-style fittings with WE-EF’s state-of-the art ASP530 72W LED luminaire. The WE-EF luminaire is designed to not only light the main thorough fare but to brighten any dark spots and eliminate colour temperature variations, making for a safer and more comfortable atmosphere. The custom-powder coated green also helps retain the charm of the original decorative poles
The switch was completed in early April 2015 and, as the before and after photos show, WE-EF luminaires complement and enhance the street’s existing façades while providing the contemporary lighting update required.